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Author Topic: Sending char from client to server one time. The server receives it two times.  (Read 4603 times)

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I'm new on the forum, and have some experience on SFML. What a great library, thank you devs!

I have a problem. I'm trying to send a char from the client to the server over socket. I'm doing this via a key press. When I press a key from the client one time the server receives the key press (char) two times. What's wrong? Is it something to do with the thread? I have tried to figure this out, but I have no brains enough... ;D

    while (window.isOpen()) {
        sf::Event ev;
        while (window.pollEvent(ev)) {
            // Window closure
            if (ev.type == sf::Event::Closed ||
                (ev.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed &&
                    ev.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)) {

            if (ev.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
                if (ev.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Right) {
                    char keyPressed = 'A';
                    if (socket.send(&keyPressed, sizeof(keyPressed)) == sf::Socket::Done)
                        std::cout << "sending A to server ";


engine.cpp (server)
void Engine::startServer()

        port = 5000;
        std::cout << "Server started...\n";
        if (listener.listen(port) != sf::Socket::Status::Done)

        std::cout << "- Server is listening to port " << port << std::endl;

        networkThread = std::thread(&Engine::processIncomingData, this);


void Engine::processIncomingData(){

while (running) {
        char receivedKeyCode;
        size_t received;

        // Accept client connection and setup...

        sf::Socket::Status status = listener.accept(client);

        if (status == sf::Socket::Done) {
                std::cout << "Client connected: " << client.getRemoteAddress() << std::endl;

                while (running) { // Loop to process key press data


                        sf::Socket::Status receiveStatus = client.receive(&receivedKeyCode, sizeof(receivedKeyCode), received);

                        if (receiveStatus == sf::Socket::Done) {
                                std::cout << "Received key code from client: " << receivedKeyCode << std::endl;

                                // Lock the mutex before accessing shared resources
                                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(callbackMutex);

                                sf::Keyboard::Key pressedKey = static_cast<sf::Keyboard::Key>(receivedKeyCode);

                                if (receivedKeyCode == &#39;A&#39;) {




                        else if (receiveStatus == sf::Socket::Disconnected) {
                                std::cout << "Client disconnected: " << client.getRemoteAddress() << std::endl;





