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Author Topic: Google Chrome Is Blocking 32-bit GCC-compatible SFML 2.6.0 Download as Dangerous  (Read 2164 times)

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Google Chrome (Version 116.0.5845.141 (Official Build) (64-bit)) on Windows 10 (Windows 10 Home, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor)  is blocking download of "GCC 13.1.0 MinGW (DW2) - 32-bit" from the SFML 2.6.0 download page, flagging it as a dangerous download. (It doesn't allow you to override this warning and download it anyway.) It does *not* do this for the 64-bit version. Does anyone know why?

Notes on the download page say that, unless you have a special reason for building 64-bit (e.g. extensive memory use), to build 32-bit when targeting Windows OSes. Is this still true in 2023? I'm using VS Code for this project, which is why I'm trying to download this version.

Thanks in advance.


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Yeah, distributing binaries always runs with the risk of being flagged as false positives.
When I get time, I'll try and file a false-positive report with the respective AV...

Notes on the download page say that, unless you have a special reason for building 64-bit (e.g. extensive memory use), to build 32-bit when targeting Windows OSes. Is this still true in 2023?
Not specifically. You get a "broader" support with 32bits and AAA games have other reasons to stick with 32bits, but practically speaking that advice is outdated indeed, especially when you check the Valve Hardware Survey with 0.08% and falling on Windows 7, which is about the last 32bit OS to seriously ship 32bit variants.
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