I fixed an issue that caused a crash at the end of the program using TGUI libraries.
The reason is a flaw in the code design
I built a game state machine, and different game state classes.
Each game state class has a tgui object and draws it
When I created a tgui::button for the GameStatusGaming state, the program ran fine, but when I closed the program, it crashed in vs debug mode
I've tried many versions of tgui with this problem, so it's not a problem with tgui per se
I finally found that these game state classes were not released in my state machine destructor, which is what caused the tgui to crash.
I released them in the destructor of the state machine
virtual ~GameStatusMachine(){
//Destruction status class
for(const auto &status:m_statusList){
delete status;
But it crashed again after the program ended
I set a breakpoint at the destructor and I see that there's no breakpoint running,This means that the state machine is not destroyed after the program ends
I checked the main function, it created a new game window class, and it didn't get released after the function ended
GameWindow *window;
window = new GameWindow;
catch(const char *e){
return -1;
return 0;
So these status classes and TGUIs are not destroyed after the main function ends, they are still running, waiting for the system to release them.tgui components are still trying to draw,So it leads to a crash
I manually released the game window class,
delete window;
return 0;
I ran again without crashing at the end