Sorry for my late reply. I've been a bit busy the last few days with assignments and stuff.
Firstly, wow! You guys came up with some really nice ideas.
Instead of a health bar, show a health donut (or circle) under the player's character.
Thats a very good idea because when you're getting damaged, it is hard to look at the corner of the screen, because you will be looking at your player and trying to dodge.
Same with ammo bar (draw gray donut around the green health donut/circle) Then show pictures of clips rather rather than listing how much ammo they have.
I'm not fully sure about this one though. Having it around the player means it constantly moves around. Also not as much info can be shown around the player. Also say you're sniping, you won't be able to see yourself if you zoom faraway and so you can't see your ammo. That's why I think it will be better to keep the ammo in a constant position on the screen.
Showing clips might be a good idea because it requires less mathmatical skills. (what is 105 / 35? quick!

Move the reload bar near the mouse cursor. Perhaps change it also to a donut/circle.
I was thinking the same thing.
Only the level number and number of points is left. Move these to the top center of the screen.
We could try that.
Also I saw on the wiki a list of redundant weapons. Each weapon should be as unique as possible, so that the player has more of a choice (rather than it not mattering, i.e. each weapon actually has a purpose). Basically, multiple shotgun/machineguns should mean that they do different things.
This was mainly because we were going for a realisitc weapons theme. Also having more variety of weapons gives players more choice (should I use a sub machine gun with faster fire rate or more accuracy?). Anyhow the weapons system is flexible so either system could be used.
Sniper rifle that pierces through everything (including walls and windows) and another where if it hits the target in the head (passes near the middle of it) then it instantly kills. Sniper rifles have Scope Mode in which you can view any area by scrolling with mouse (camera lock turns off).
Yeah, bullet penetration is needed especially when the number of zombies increases. Headshots will be a bit tricky but I will try anyway. Scoping is also a good idea. Also red-dot sight could be done for other weapons as well.
Using real gun models (e.g. AK47, M4, etc.) may not be practical.
I guess it is harder to balance when you try to have realistic weapons as well. But again this is not too big of an issue.
Sticky grenade, ice grenade, regular grenade. Targets that were hit by an incendiary grenade will light other nearby targets (only the original target hit by the grenade can spread fire, other targets that caught on fire don't).
Yup grenades. Also, fire sounds quite interesting. It could spread when zombies are too close together

Bear traps. Land mine that instantly kills target and another that damages group of targets. Ice land mine. Barrels of oil to light areas on fire.
Yup. I'm thinking of adding land mines in the next release.
Pistol and SMG can be dual-wielded (but slows down reload time).
Player should be able to hold up to 2 weapons at the same time ( choose wisely )
Dual wielding should be done in such a way that it is intuitive. Maybe you can only carry 2 weapons around, and if you press a key, then the character tries to duel wield (if weapon weights allow). When duel wielding, left mouse button should shoot weapon one, right mouse button should be weapon 2. That way you can't zoom when duel wielding.
Another interesting thing would be to have guns and supplies air dropped onto the map. Could be drawn with a circle that moves around until the box lands (with 4 lines connecting circle and box, i.e. you can see the box under the circle/parachute while it's swaying around until it drops). Once the box lands, the parachute automatically (magically) disappears.
Parachutes are a nice idea. They will give the incentive to move around in the map rather than camping in one spot.
Zombie dogs slow you down when they attack you (25%). Would be fun to have level 10 or something where there's a lot of dogs, in which case it'd be best to setup traps (surrounded by dogs = can't move = dead).
Yes more special levels will be good. Also how about spider zombies. They should move around fast and erratically.
Arcade Mode: You don't set off your own traps (if you step on a land mine, it doesn't blow up). No friendly-fire (can't hurt team mates). Among other things which make the game easier (more fun for casual gamers).
A friend of mine suggested the same thing.
Also would be good if the player could sprint too.
Yeah this would need to be done in a balanced way.
And when zombie kills a team mate, they turn into zombie.
Maybe a game mode? We thought of some other ones as well:
- Competitive Mode: Player who kills the most zombies in a round gets a point. Person with the most points at the end wins.
- Sabotage Mode: The players try to indirectly kill each other. Use traps, lock doors, trick zombies etc. Who's gonna spend their money to open that door first?

- Pascifist Mode: Try to survive as long as possible without weapons. Using traps is allowed.
Also need a replay system so people can show off their kills
Yeah. Also it's useful for confirming high-scores.
Wow thats a lot of ideas. It'll definately be hard to implement all of those. That's why I'm trying to do things incrementally. But it's nice to see that there are a lot of possibilities.
I don't have permission to edit any of the pages.
Yeah it turns out normal users can't edit the sourceforge hosted wiki pages. So I've created a new one on Wikia. It seems much better. Faster, easier to use, customisable, only disadvantage are the ads. This should be editiable by anyone. URL: