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Author Topic: Problem installing  (Read 2381 times)

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Problem installing
« on: September 08, 2010, 11:47:35 am »
I just installed CodeBlockes and minGW, and now SFML 1.6.

I started a new SFML prject, and after I choose the location of the SFML, it says: "The path you entered seems valied, but the wizard can't locate the following SFML's include file: Audio.hpp on it."



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Problem installing
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 05:48:26 pm »
My lucky guess is that you selected the wrong directory or you didn't copy the right things.

If you copied something into the include dir of MinGW :
Check you've copy the SFML folder and not it's content

You should have something like :

And not ../include/blabla

If you haven't copied stuff into that directory, well, tell us what you've done  (telling other people what you've done and what you expected help you to realize what you did wrong most of the time) .
SFML / OS X developer


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Problem installing
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 10:42:07 pm »
I'm having this same problem. Been using code::blocks for a while now, just starting SFML.

At first when I tried to create a SFML file under the templates, it opened up this scripted GUI where I had to look for a bunch of things. Without knowing what it was, I located the default SFML folder which was in C: at the time, and moved on. Later to find out that there's an error somewhere so I closed it.

Now when it prompts me to look for SFML's base folder, the GUI based thing doesn't open anymore. I would put the SFML-1.6 folder under C: as the base folder, but it would have the same exact prompt as the original poster's prompt.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

EDIT: I managed to get past that part by moving all the files in the .../include/SFML folder into .../include instead, but there's an error message saying "cannot find -lsfml-audio.dll" in file ld.exe

EDIT #2: I finally managed to get SFML working. It seems like maybe SFML had a new version of file organization where Code::Block's current version doesn't recognize it. I had to use the console application template to follow the SFML tutorial instead. Some of my other problems included weird errors and such, EDIT 1's problem was fixed when I realized I forgot to link the include and lib folders into code blocks through the "Search directories," and the 2nd problem which I didn't state was the error of forgetting -lsfml-system in my other linker options.


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Problem installing
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 10:48:48 am »
I'm having the same issue, it seems to be more of an issue with Code::Blocks than with SFML. Code::Blocks is looking for a particular structure however this isn't sitting right with SFML (this is with the default application when choosing SFML Project in Code::Blocks).

