(I decided to post here, instead of writing a pm, since others may want to read this too.)Hi Svenstaro,
thanks a lot for your input! First of all: We are trying to learn a lot, but since we are really new to software engineering (we're studying computer science for one year right now) many things are done for the very first time. One of them is packaging a project for Ubuntu. With Windows - which we have in dual boot besides Linux - proper distribution of executables is easy (of course quite dirty, but, yeah - it works
). But creating Debian packages for Ubuntu is really hard to accomplish if you're new to this. You seem to own a lot of knowledge on this topic... hopefully we may learn something
You are still linking against libjpeg.so.62
Do we? Actually we told the linker to link against the SFML libraries only. SFML does link against this library but why do we? (And of course, we'll change the lib names)
How do you create the windows builds?
By compiling them on Windows
Can you also make an install target for your premake file and add an INSTALL or README file with build instructions?
Today we put a lot of time in understanding how autoconf works. And we made it produce a usable configure script. Therefore there will be a INSTALL, README, COPYING, ChangeLog, NEWS and AUTHORS file in SVN soon. However, "make" does it's job, but how is a game properly installed? The executable should resign in /usr/bin/games, shouldn't it? The data files have to be in /usr/share/games/mars-game, haven't they? The config file has to be saved in ~/.mars-game... How can our game access all these files? It would be a bad idea to hardcode these file names, wouldn't it? I took a look at your launcher script of Portalized (great stuff, btw!) but it didn't tell me everything...
There are so many unsolved problems, that our thoughts get knotted
Some days ago, ubuntugamer.com proposed to make a review on M.A.R.S. This was really great, but they asked for a PPA, to make all things easier. So we looked in creating a PPA. This seems possible, if our configure script did what it is supposed to do, including installation. And of course, SFML2 has to be in this PPA too, which - ough - is a bit of our heads
. There seems to be no PPA containing SFML2, except for this one, which is, well, empty:
https://launchpad.net/~hohoo/+archive/sfml2. Is it possible to port your package for ArchLinux to Ubuntu? Or is it a lot easier to create one, than we thought?
Of course, someday we'll smile, thinking back to these humble attempts...
But we are eager to learn all of this :lol: ! And maybe, you can help us doing so...