Hi everyone, I've recently decided to do a kind of textbox, and I'm encoutering a few problems :
-First of all, if a Set the cusor position at the same place as the sf::String, the cursor seems to high. Where should I place it ?
-Secondly, when typping a 'É' with a 'j' just above it for example they "hit" each other.
I am using the default font and SFML 1.6. I've tried with "block note" and I get the same Result. However, with Word, the characters don't overlap. Is there the same problem with SFML 2.0 ? Can this problem be corected ?
[EDIT] Since it's still about strings and unicode characters, i'll add it here :
Is the default font not able to display € ? because I receive the event TextEntered with 8364 which is right but I can't display it. If so, how can I know what characters a font can draw ?