Okey, I need something like this:
When You click at the area of string then program starts OGG file and after 3 seconds quit.
I already spent 3hours trying to get it to work.
Event.type == sfvEventMouseButtonPressed and sfvEventMouseButtonRealeased can't do it because then I have to hold a mouse at string for 3 seconds to quit app.
I need something that after 1x click start clock, play music and after 3 seconds quit app.
Please give me advice/tips whatever.
I tryed to get Input of window and then use sfMouseButtonEvent and sfButtonX1 but I don't know excatly how to use it.
Do I need place that code in Event loop or in App.IsRunning loop?
Which functions and types of events I need to use?
Really guys anything, I will keep on trying do this but help would be really needed.