I was wondering how one would wrap a C++ library for use with ruby. I did not know how to do that 2 years ago so I just stuck with CSFML.
When I tested the methods I wrapped they worked.
Also can't you just use
Array#push Array#pop if you want to have a stack
Array#shift Array#push if you want to have a queue (though inefficient since shift moves all of the elements down)
I believe this kind of stuff is straying away from the focus of this, and should be left to another library whose focus is dedicated to datastructures and making them efficient as possible for ruby. As they say don't reinvent the wheel
Now that is not to say you should not add anything of this sort. There are some things that could be added to make peoples lives a little easier.
For example you can add a datastructure that holds drawables and each drawable has a z value. You overload RenderWindow#draw to also be able to draw this and it will draw them all in order of z value