Aight running Window worked

Though since it's Windows it was bit tricky to get it to find SFML and be able to compile because of that, don't think you can help out the user with that somehow? Also "rake install" didn't work for me? I normally don't use Ruby on Windows so I don't know what I did wrong. Anyway what it failed on was simply copying to the ruby directory. I'm using Win7.
Also you have messed up something so that Graphics can't be loaded because WindowLoaded haven't been defined or something... I haven't looked at it really yet, just noticed that I couldn't run render-window-demo.rb because Graphics failed to load.
*Fixed* You didn't gain access to the SFML namespace module or the shared objects in here.

It's a weird name for a function: rb_define_* because you don't define anything if it already exists, it just returns a VALUE reference to it.
I'll fix it now ^^ Got nothing to do with my coffee.
Anyway it works here without crashing like you said and it's on WINDOWS

So we officially support windows now too ^^