Yup. I let NSText interpret these. See GLKit.mm line ~356.
I did found NSText yesterday but I was trying to call keyDown on it – silly me. Anyway, thanks for your help. Now it should work properly.
I've also updated the KeyPressed/Released event so that the Z key is really the Z key on the user keyboard. I'm no more relying only on the physical code of the key.
And I added support for 'modifier' keys (System, Alt, Control, Shift). Could anyone confirm that works fine or not. I don't know if it works only for my keyboard. (I know only that key repeat won't work on these keys. Is it the same on Win/Unix ?)
You can use
this code to test everything.
Now I still have an unbind key on my keyboard (
' on ch-fr layout,
) on fr layout I think). That recalls me a
discussion (and the related
task). Laurent, still no decision on it ? (Just to know ;-) )
Maybe we have already discussed the following but I've got the memory of a goldfish so I apology if we did.
What about adding a System field to sf::Event::KeyEvent ? On OS X it would be very logical to have this. And why not on Unix/Win ?