Ok, so now it's not a problem to send all the connected users something I want.
But here's my problem now.. The server needs to handle that:
User A sends login request -> sent OK. Now the user is waiting.
User B sends login request -> sent OK. Now the user is waiting.
User C sends login request -> sent OK. Now the user is waiting.
Now user A just sent a load menu request. The server needs to find the menu of user A from the DB, and to send it to user A.
Now user B just sent a load menu request. The server needs to find the menu of user B from the DB, and to send it to user B.
Now user A just choosed the Enter World option from the menu. Then he sends to the server 'enter world'. The server is now searching in the DB where is in the world user A located. Then he sends to user A he's location.
Now user C just sent a load menu request. The server needs to find the menu of user C from the DB, and to send it to user C.
Now user C just choosed the Enter World option from the menu. Then he sends to the server 'enter world'. The server is now searching in the DB where is in the world user C located. Then he sends to user C he's location.
Now user A just jumped in the map. The server searching if there is another user in the same map. There is! User C. He sends to user C 'user A just jumped'
How can I handle that kind of things? It makes me crazy..! How can I recognize in the selector the reads the message what user sent the message and by the user search in the database?
Here's what I tried to do without a selector, but you can find my problem at
http://www.sfml-dev.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=25051#25051. It should just log in a user and wait for a load menu request. I can't handle here number of users trying to connect.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include "client/dbclient.h"
#include "Mongo.cpp"
#pragma comment( lib, "mongoclient" )
std::vector<sf::SocketTCP> Users;
std::vector<sf::IPAddress> UsersIP;
sf::SocketTCP Server;
sf::SocketTCP Client;
sf::IPAddress ClientAddress;
int connectedClients = 0;
mongo::DBClientConnection c;
bool server_running;
bool LoginSeccedd;
void serverTCP(void* UserData);
sf::Thread ThreadTCP(&serverTCP);
using namespace std;
void startUserrt(sf::SocketTCP Client, sf::IPAddress ClientAddress) {
for (int i=connectedClients; i<connectedClients;i++)
cout << ClientAddress[connectedClients] << endl;
char Message[256];
std::size_t Received;
if (Client.Receive(Message, sizeof(Message), Received) != sf::Socket::Done)
// Show the message
string stringAll, str3, str4;
stringAll = Message;
size_t found;
size_t total = 0;
string current_string[3];
for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
cout << &Message[total] << endl;
found = strlen(&Message[total]);
current_string[i] = &Message[total];
total += found + 1;
if (current_string[0] == "7L")
// Login
cout << "Login requst" << endl;
mongo::BSONObjBuilder query;
query.append( "email" , current_string[1] ).append( "password", current_string[2] );
mongo::BSONObj res = c.findOne( "test.users" , query.obj() );
string userID = res["email"];
cout << userID << endl;
// session_userEmail = userID;
// session_userID = res["_id"];
if (userID == "EOO")
char ToSend2[] = "8L 0 not-found\0";
if (Client.Send(ToSend2, sizeof(ToSend2)) != sf::Socket::Done)
cout << ToSend2 << endl;
char ToSend2[] = "8L 1 1\0";
if (Client.Send(ToSend2, sizeof(ToSend2)) != sf::Socket::Done)
cout << ToSend2 << endl;
LoginSeccedd = true;
else if (current_string[0] == "7R")
// Register
cout << "Register requst" << endl;
mongo::BSONObjBuilder query;
query.append( "email" , current_string[1] ).append( "password", current_string[2] );
mongo::BSONObj res = c.findOne( "test.users" , query.obj() );
string userID = res["email"];
cout << userID << endl;
if (userID == "EOO")
char ToSend2[] = "8R 1\0";
// INSERT USER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***********************************************************************
if (Client.Send(ToSend2, sizeof(ToSend2)) != sf::Socket::Done)
cout << ToSend2 << endl;
LoginSeccedd = true;
char ToSend2[] = "8R 0 3\0";
if (Client.Send(ToSend2, sizeof(ToSend2)) != sf::Socket::Done)
cout << ToSend2 << endl;
cout << "Unknow Request" << endl;
if (LoginSeccedd = true)
char Message[256];
std::size_t Received;
if (Client.Receive(Message, sizeof(Message), Received) != sf::Socket::Done)
cout << Message << endl;
if (Message == "7MM")
// Load Main Menu - send character information
/*string ToSend2 = "8MM";
mongo::BSONObjBuilder query;
query.append( "user_id" , session_userID );
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor =
c.query("test.characters", query.obj() );
while( cursor->more() ) {
BSONObj p = cursor->next();
cout << p["name"] << endl;
ToSend2 += p["name"];
cout << ToSend2 << endl;*/
else if (Message == "7CC")
void serverTCP(void* UserData) {
while (server_running)
// Wait for a connection
if (Server.Accept(Client, &ClientAddress) != sf::Socket::Done)
cout << "Client connected : " << ClientAddress << std::endl;
startUserrt(Client, ClientAddress);
/*User *current;
current = new User;
void startServer() {
server_running = true;
if (!Server.Listen(2435))
cout << "Server is listening to port " << 2435 << ", waiting for connections... " << std::endl;
int main()
c.connect("localhost"); //"");
cout << "connected ok" << endl;
// Wait until the user presses 'enter' key
std::cout << "Press enter to exit..." << std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n');