The names are not random nor inconsistent, they perfectly reflect what the changes made to the functions. However, if you can spot an inconsistency in the new functions, I'll be glad to see it

I don't think there's too much OOP. The string and font stuff was a huge inconsistency : fonts had their own internal manager, whereas all other resources don't. Now all the resources (I mean, stuff which can be loaded from a file) behave exactly the same : images, fonts and sound buffers. Replacing the internal manager with a new class also adds much more flexibility, as sf::Font can now expose more parameters and be extended in the future if necessary.
Same for sf::WindowSettings, it justs gathers all the parameters which can be useful at creation time for the OpenGL context, instead of having creation functions which have hundreds of parameters. Much more powerful and maintainable.
Up to now, I have been really impressed by SFML, but now I am a little bit deceived
You shouldn't stop on such considerations, all the modifications made in version 1.3 are really meaningful and will make SFML more powerful and flexible. I always put special efforts in keeping a consistent and flexible public interface, trust me

Couldn't there be a possibility to at least add the old GetX() and GetWidth() again?
GetX() wouldn't mean anything in the new version (see below), and GetWidth() is exactly the same as GetSize().x (if you don't mind writing 1 more character

One important addition for 1.3 is 2D and 3D vectors, to be able to pack attributes with X, Y and Z coordinates in one variable. This makes the code much cleaner (1 function per attribute instead of 2 or 3). Then I can't keep the old names (width and height becomes size).
And why did you change "Left" to "X" and "Top" to "Y"? Before it was much clearer.
Because the origin of a drawable is no longer at the top-left corner, you can now put it where you want (center, right-bottom corner, ...). It would be a non-sense to keep Left and Top.