While the merits or non-merits of #pragma once are fascinating, I have already attempted to use the command with my version of Code::Blocks and noticed no noticeable change. I then decided to attempt removing the #defif header guards, which caused "multiple include" errors, showing me that it is unlikely that my version of the gcc compiler likes #pragma once, and in either case it has not fixed the problem.
Are there any other ides as to the cause of my problem? Like I said, I am writing the problematic files in the exact same format used by the rest of the engine. The rest of the engine works fine, and the example code seems to compile fine on other peoples' compilers, but my compiler still gives me errors which tell me the compiler recognizes that I forward-declared an object in a header, but when I try to use that object in another header with the #include command, it still tells me <object name> has no type as if it were not declared.
*steals the above discussion for a small introductory pamphlet on #pragma once and uses the proceeds to hire a 3rd or 4th rate debugging specialist*