I took a stab at it on a 2nd gen Macbook running Debian. There was only one build error: EXIT_SUCCESS is not defined in main.cpp.
I made a couple of changes and added two tests. You only tested per-surface alpha-blending, so I added a test for per-pixel alpha (it uses SDL_image now). You also made a couple of no-no's in the rotation and dynamic text tests by creating surfaces within the loop (allocating and freeing tons of memory per second). I changed the rotation test to use SGE's direct rotations (and made it work correctly) and I plugged in NFont so that I could cache the font, rather than generate each glyph when needed. These represent more truly the way that people actually use SDL and its supporting libs for speed. So, Test 2 is not very indicative of typical usage, and Test 6 should be thrown right out. One note: Test 7 uses only Normal font style, since NFont doesn't load the character width correctly for others.
You can get my version at
http://code.bluedinosaurs.com/SDL/bench-sdl-sfml-j.zipThe results are not that amazing. I'd like to see the results from other computers. Also, if you mean this thread to tell beginners about the speed differences between SDL and SFML, then you need to be upfront about it. The first results don't seem to be updated and you don't mention exactly what you're testing (software SDL vs hardware SFML) until a later page. In the head post, it should state that SDL can be used to make hardware-accelerated graphics, but SDL's built-in 2d support, which is being tested, is in software, whereas SFML uses hardware acceleration. Indeed, SDL 1.3 (as opposed to SDL 1.2 used in this benchmark) uses hardware acceleration on its 2d graphics, just like SFML.
My results:
1/ Test : sprites
SDL displayed 47 frames
SFML displayed 51 frames
--> SFML is 1.09x as fast as SDL
2/ Test : alpha-blended sprites
SDL displayed 38 frames
SFML displayed 52 frames
--> SFML is 1.37x as fast as SDL
3/ Test : per-pixel alpha-blended sprites
SDL displayed 42 frames
SFML displayed 47 frames
--> SFML is 1.12x as fast as SDL
4/ Test : rotating sprites
SDL displayed 26 frames
SFML displayed 26 frames
--> SFML is 1.00x as fast as SDL
5/ Test : static text
SDL displayed 1382 frames
SFML displayed 1023 frames
--> SFML is 0.74x as fast as SDL
6/ Test : dynamic text
SDL displayed 194 frames
SFML displayed 727 frames
--> SFML is 3.75x as fast as SDL
7/ Test : dynamic text w/NFont
SDL displayed 779 frames
SFML displayed 1113 frames
--> SFML is 1.43x as fast as SDL