Now that SFML 2.0 and SDL 1.3 APIs have stabilized it would be interesting to see new benchmark.
You like to play with fire bumping a nearly one year old thread as your second post, but fear not, as the SFML community doesn't forbid this.
Actually I've always wanted to recreate that benchmark but never gotten around until you reminded me today and so I took my time and converted everything to SFML 2 (which was very very easy) and then compiled all the stuff (SDL, SDL_ttf, SGE) needed for the SDL (which was kind of a pain).
So here we go with my results with the
latest SFML version, the
SDL 1.2 library (changeset: 6396:b1c1b7ac4b39), the latest
SDL_tff library (version 2.0.11) and the latest
SGE library r030809. Everything linked dynamically and run in release mode:
1/ Test : sprites
SDL displayed 388 frames
SFML displayed 147 frames
--> SFML is 0.4x as fast as SDL
2/ Test : alpha-blended sprites
SDL displayed 107 frames
SFML displayed 146 frames
--> SFML is 1.4x as fast as SDL
3/ Test : rotating sprites
SDL displayed 14 frames
SFML displayed 150 frames
--> SFML is 10.7x as fast as SDL
4/ Test : static text
SDL displayed 3434 frames
SFML displayed 6187 frames
--> SFML is 1.8x as fast as SDL
5/ Test : dynamic text
SDL displayed 155 frames
SFML displayed 4479 frames
--> SFML is 28.9x as fast as SDL
It's interesting to see SDL beating SFML in the static sprite rendering whereas in 2007 it was bearly able to draw a few frames.
But the static rendering is also already the only part where SDL is a tick faster then SFML.
If you want to try it or add anything, I've setup a Git(Hub) repository (I hope Laurent doesn't mind) so you can get the code + resources from
here and for a fully working demo for Windows 32bit you can get the executable, libraries, resources and source from
I hope to see some further benchmarks since it can vary largly from hardware to hardware.
I personally would be interested in a pixel manipulation comparison and a SFML 2 vs SDL 2, so if anyone got a bit time and knowledge...