Let me start off by giving you some info:
OS: Windows 7
Graphics Driver: ATI CCC 10.10
IDE: VS2010
Alright, so I can't seem to globally declare an Image or a Font.
For example, I've got a class with a static vector of Images, Fonts, and SoundBuffers, like so:
class DataManager
static std::vector<sf::Image> imageData;
static std::vector<sf::SoundBuffer> soundData;
static std::vector<sf::Font> fontData;
And of course I'm defining the vectors in DataManager's .cpp file. The problem is that global Images or Fonts give me an unhandled exception when the program closes then tells me the program crashed in crt0dat.c at line 708:
void __cdecl __crtExitProcess (
int status
* Either mscoree.dll isn't loaded,
* or CorExitProcess isn't exported from mscoree.dll,
* or CorExitProcess returned (should never happen).
* Just call ExitProcess.
ExitProcess(status); /* 708 */
Declaring a SoundBuffer globally works just fine though.