How should I do it... the clip area very wrong.. and I don't know how to update it to match the new window size.
Edit: Helpful pictures?
normal(not resized, works)'t work) More info? :|
this is what i do when the window gets resized:
m_clipRect = m_rect; //a IntRect ... of sorts
sf::Vector2f pos = m_rect.GetPos();
//hopefully this will turn the view coords into screen coords?.. oh wait.. this doesn't do that.. any other way?
ConvertCoords(pos); //calls sf::RenderWindow.ConvertCoords()
m_clipRect.x = (int)pos.x;
m_clipRect.y = s_gui->GetWindow().GetHeight() - (int)pos.y - m_rect.h; //this is how it's done for glScissors apparently, cause it takes the lowerleft point
m_clipRect.w *= scaleW; //scaleW is newWidth/oldWidth
m_clipRect.h *= scaleH; //same with height
Solved like so:
I used window/view ratio to find coords and size like this:
//calculate distortion percentage
float widthPrc = newWidth/viewWidth;
float heightPrc = newHeight/viewHeight;
//get the coords in the view
m_clipRect = m_rect;
//apply distortion
m_clipRect.x *= widthPrc ;
m_clipRect.y *= heightPrc ;
m_clipRect.w *= widthPrc ;
m_clipRect.h *= heightPrc ;
Only one problem remains... :
P.S. Apparently maximizing the window doesn't send a resize event... Is that intented? Is there another event for maximize or something? :|
(Windows 7 x64, sfml 1.6)