Laurent, I think it's great you've decided to put a deadline on the logo.
I expect this week to be full of news propositions!
And thanks Nexus and eXpl0it3r for these wise words, it was clear we couldn't keep suggesting new ideas forever, especially since it's holding back the SFML 2.0 release.
Ignore the anti-aliasing, it's scaled. Considering only the symbol, the thing I like more in than in
is that it doesn't look so soft/rounded. The first one makes a more... hm, "self-confident" or "resolute" impression
Also, the thickness of the power symbol matches the font's thickness better. Maybe we can try with a slightly less round symbol?
But the round logo matches better the roundness of the font... also I'm not a fan of the green, it looks too grey-ish. What about a lighter one, closer to the website banner?
@eigenbom nice variations. I like the last four ones and the double arrow.
Here's a revamp of my previous attemp, I tried to keep a curvy arrow while getting ride of sine wave.

with text reflection:

double arrow:

I'm not sure if the arrow should overlap the first or last letter...