@keyforge : You're right, I fixed it (will be available in the next version).
@Haikarainen : Yes, that's a known bug that will be addressed in the next version as well.
@TehSeph : As soon as the current version is ready, I'll settle a sourceforge repository for the project. It won't contain all the changes since the very first releases though, only the future ones.
@danman : Ok I see

Thank you for clarifying this point !
About VBOs, yes : I use a VBO per chunk. As far as I can tell, it offers an interesting performance boost (unfortunately I'm V-Sync limited so I can't tell how much exactly), and is extremely simple to manage.
I could pack several chunks into a single VBO, but that's be harder to implement, and the performance gain may not be worth the effort.
The next version is almost ready to be released, featuring basic procedural terrain generation, multi-threaded loading and updating of chunks, saving world on disk (during run time, in a thread too) with zlib compression.
I still need to fix a few things though (ambient occlusion bugs, among others).
Edit : Here it is !

The original Linux version uses the C++0x threading capabilities (std::thread, std::mutex, std::unique_lock and std::condition_variable), while the Win32 port relies on Boost (MinGW being a bit late regarding std::thread support).
I'll update the first post with the new files as soon as they are available.