Hmm got stuck again..
new Canvas_MapViewer(this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(700, 500));
Results in:
In constructor 'nnmeFrame::nnmeFrame(wxFrame*, const wxString&)':|
error: no matching function for call to 'Canvas_MapViewer::Canvas_MapViewer(nnmeFrame* const, <anonymous enum>, wxPoint, wxSize)'|
note: candidates are: Canvas_MapViewer::Canvas_MapViewer(wxWindow*, wxWindowID, wxPoint&, wxSize&, long int)|
note: Canvas_MapViewer::Canvas_MapViewer(const Canvas_MapViewer&)|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|
Canvas_MapViewer is basically "MyCanvas" in the examples. MyCanvas is copypasted to mapviewer, wxsfmlcanvas is also copy pasted.
nnmeFrame is a derived wxFrame, and I've tried it the tutorialway too without any success