I was wondering if anyone could perhaps state what exactly you need to have linked to get this to compile, I know it says SFML and GLEW, but I read somewhere that SFML includes GLEW for you, which confuses me. I'm using Code::Blocks as my IDE so that I can run it off of a flash drive, not sure if that matters at all, probably not...
As of right now I've got all the stuff in SFML/lib/ linked under Build Options -> Linker settings.
And under Build Options -> Search directories -> linker as well as Build Options -> Search directories -> compiler I've got LTBL included, as well as SFML/include under compiler and SFML/lib under linker.
I've been using SFML in my project, so that works for sure. But whenever I try to #include any of the LTBL files it can't find them.
Some tips would be greatly appreciated, as in all honesty I sometimes find setting up the IDE to work with what you want to be the hardest part of programming...