We are using HP proBook 6450b laptops with Win 7 Enterprise 64, VC++ 2010 express and sfml 1.6
So, we have made some small games this week and to make them two player games, we're sitting two at each laptop. One person use keyboard keys A, S, W and X to control a player, the other use the arrow keys. Both players sprites move around in the same render window.
The problem is that if the two persons who play are using two keys or more simultaneously, the player that is last to hit two fail and no key input is read into the game (both want tomove to NW at the same time for instance). If one player use two keys at once (going NW for instance), and the other just one (going west for instance), no problem arise.
Is there a way to overcome this problem so both players can use several keys at once? Is the issue sfml or hardware based? Does it depend on what keys we use for the game?