I found a bug in child window - you can move it outside the window, and if you move it up so the title bar disappears you cant move it back and close it. I see 2 solutions:
- function to set if you want childwindow always fully stay in your main window
- ability to move it through alt + hold (but this will be in conflict with linux windows managers, so maybe it's better to move it through LMB + RMB hold)
The solution #1 is often used in MMORPG games. It can be tweaked so for example when you move it to bottom, you can hide it all except title bar etc. but plain simple "stay fully in window" flag would be really great.
I thought I could handle it myself in my code, but I don't see getPosition function in child window :/
What do you think?
In case you will want to fix in 0.6, could you make v0.5.1 with some kind of getTopLeftCornerCoords (including titlebar) for childwindow? It won't break stable API, it will just add new function (many libs do it, I think you don't need the api to be fully frozen in stable branch, it's not widely-used for production library). Altough, I don't see a reason why it won't become widely-used one day!
Please, I really need it in my game. Your GUI is great, but I just need that little problem to be fixed.
And just a little question, do you plan to add a simple menu? I don't know what's the proper english name, but that of a menu like "File" menu, when you press it you have a vertical list with options to choose. Maybe a suggestion for 0.6
Oh and another question. Is it possible to have a panel which has fixed height and it's width is always 100% of the window (so it's resize proof)? And vice versa - fixed width and height in %.
I hope that you will find time to answer me