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Author Topic: Tetris Problem  (Read 1428 times)

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Tetris Problem
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:11:50 am »
Hi! I'm new here to SFML. Just started using it 3 days ago or so. Today, I completed a Pong clone and now I'm working on a Tetris clone.

I'm looking for a more elegant solution for Tetroid creation/manipulation. I could divide each tetroid into it's own image and load them from there; however I would like to use as few images as possible. Currently, other than the UI Overlay I'm using, I only load 1 image, that being a single block.

Code: [Select]
void Tetroid::build(sf::Image &blockImg, tetType shape)
if (shape == Z)
focus.newBlock(blockImg, COLOR_Z);

block2.newBlock(blockImg, COLOR_Z);

block3.newBlock(blockImg, COLOR_Z);
block3.Up(); block3.Left();

block4.newBlock(blockImg, COLOR_Z);
} ...


I'm creating a Tetroid object out of 4 Block objects(which contain the block's sprite), setting one of those block objects as a focus and positioning the others around the focus. I do this for each shape.

As for movement...

Code: [Select]
void Tetroid::Left()

I'm just looking for suggestions on how to better go about creating/manipulating these objects. Would it be better to load 7 separate images and create sprites from each? Or make a sprite sheet containing each Tetroid and its respective rotations and SetSubRect it?

Like I said, I'm new to SFML, the Pong clone was the first multimedia based game I've ever created.

Any help would be greatly appreciated  :D

edit: A little more information...

Obviously this will be addressing rotation as well. With my current setup, I will have to store the state of the active Tetroid as one of four rotational states,  then SetPosition of each block around the focus for the rotation. This I could see as being advantageous as a solution for a rotation near the inactive blocks at the bottom of the field, to avoid clipping and detecting a collision, so a shape can be quick-rotated into a snug spot.

Anyways bed for me..zzzz