Recent changes- ActionMap no longer stores the window, it is passed in update()
- ParticleSystem is constructed using const sf::Texture& instead of std::shared_ptr<const sf::Texture> -- should be closer to SFML
- Animator has now a function getPlayingAnimation() that returns the animation currently being played
- The class RefAnimation has been added to reference (instead of copy) another animation
New color gradient APISince a long time I want to redesign the
ColorGradient API. Currently, one specifies relative transition times between colors. In the following example, the transition from red to blue is 3 times longer than the transition from blue to cyan.
thor::ColorGradient gradient = thor::createGradient
(sf::Color(0, 255, 255));
Despite being short, it may be somehow unintuitive, and it makes it difficult to use specific functions that take RGB (or HSV, in later Thor versions). Therefore I tend to named functions, two possibilities to achieve the same functionalities would be:
thor::ColorGradient gradient;
gradient.rgb(0, 255, 255);
thor::ColorGradient gradient = createGradient()
.rgb(0, 255, 255);
The second option would allow for more type safety, since I can enforce that transitions and colors are specified alternately. Additionally, one cannot change the gradient after construction.
Basically, do you consider the alternating transition-color chain meaningful? Or should I go with another model, like specifying points instead of transitions? The equivalent functionality would then look as follows (conventional methods or map style):
thor::ColorGradient gradient;
gradient.color(0.f, sf::Color::Red);
gradient.color(0.75f, sf::Color::Blue);
gradient.rgb(1.f, 0, 255, 255);
thor::ColorGradient gradient;
gradient[0.f] = sf::Color::Red;
gradient[0.75f] = sf::Color::Blue;
gradient[1.f] = sf::Color(0, 255, 255);
The disadvantage is that one always needs to specify 0.f and 1.f, and it becomes more difficult to express ratios between different partial gradients. Before, it was immediately clear that the first transition had 3 times the length of the second.
Maybe another idea?