My Modified SFML version ->'s in there together with textures that can have different formats.
And you are probably right. I am more a advanced 3D user and thus I like deferred rendering. But let's say we have been seeing awful lot advanced lighting in games. Deferred rendering is a way to remove the complexity of a scene based on geometry and lighting.
The traditional way of doing it have a scene complexity of
meshes * lights while deferred rendering have
meshes + lights making it much more efficient.
Looking at it from this perspective you can start to see a use of this in 2D games as well I think. Of course right now I am just taking ideas straight from my head as I type. But if we look at the 2D lighting system that has been posted on the project forum and we apply deferred rendering to that one. I am pretty certain that system would be able to handle over 1000 light sources. At least my 3D engine with a naive implementation of deferred rendering can render a 1000 light sources with 400 meshes in view with a FPS of 60.
None the less we shouldn't be thinking of "what can you do with it?" we should be more going in the line of "What tools could you possibly need?" And I will agree that deferred rendering is a bit far-fetched but not that far if you take a step back.