I'm Dr.Crow 20 years Old, newBiE prOgrammer, first Year @university ! but i have few knowledge abOut C++/Sfml & Qt ! sO,
I was working on a game-card project recently , sO i want to present it for you !in the same time, seekIng fOr advice !
because it become hardEr and little complicated to manage! eSpecially when a bug occur il the middle of nOWhere

the game is nOt finished,just the basics feature for a game card ! ! nO IA Available !
Project's InformationName: OCard !!
Style : A Card-Game TurnPerTurn (TPT)!! ( OGame style )
Version: Testing version !
Langage : C++/SFml & Qt
Link : Qt's dll ( QtGui4.dll , QtCore4.dll ) -->
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6ob16uocetoktj1Link : Sfml's & MinGW's dll ( sfml-graphics.dll, sfml-system.dll, sfml-window.dll + libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll , mingwm10.dll) -->
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3xcz4ltn1c9p24dLink ( Ressource & Exe ) ( plateForme : Windows ) -->
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pxa912qh64cc21iScreenShot !:: URLhttp://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d6ppdwdmvpa718vAbout OCard !- OCard is a 2Player GameCard ( TPT )
- Every players has a Deck which allow him to play, he can draw cards to his hand, or set as many card as he wants ( if condition of playing are true ), cards are played in the FieldZone ! which is compounded of two under-zone ,( Vessel/Fleet Zone , and Tactic Zone )
- Vessel/Fleet Zone : For Vessel Card, simply as Monters Card!
- Tactic Zone For Tactics Card, simply as Magic Card !
in addition of, that each player has ist own JunkZone ! for used and Discarded Card !
How to play ! Simple ! First OF all , draw a Card from your own deck and add it to your hand , then, you can Deploy a Vessel card in the your FleetZone , and / or use a tactic card ! only one Vessel Card can be deployed per turn per player Contrary to tactics card !
FleetZone & TacticZone are Limited Zone, sO , each card player occupe one place in the Field !
if you dont have any freeZone, you can play card of this type !
after this, you déclare battle to your Opponent.... or not .

Then, you Ends your turn .
Until Now, cards are in two spicies , Vessel & Tactics, i'll add other Types later ...
Each Player has to Collect a sum of RESSOURCES to win ( by attacking )! ( not avaliable in this version )
Inside Turn :Every turn is compounded of Steps :
- DP : Draw Phase : The Player can Draw a card in this phase (if the deck is empty, gameOver )
- SP: Standby phase : Phase where some cardEffect are activated ! ( not avaliable in this version )
- M1 :Main Phase 1:this is the principal Phase of the turn, you can play VesselCard or Tactics-One ! or change Fleetcard position
- BP: Battle Phase : in this phase, you can declare battle using your deployed Vessel in your FleetZone to attack your opponent !
- M2 : Main Phase 2: Similar to MAIN PHASE 1 , but just that the BattlePhase is over !

- EP: this is the End Phase ! ( ends of turn )
Few Fundamental notion- No IA avaliable, you'll play for the two player at same time

- A Player can Only déploy one Vessel per turn, and use as many tactic cards ( except of a use of tactic card that allow an extra deployement of Vessel )
- Vessels Can switch between two position, ( Offensive mode and Retreat Mode ) equivalent to ( Attack & Defense )
- A Vessel can change a position once per turn !
- If A Vessel has already attacked or just deployed during this turn, it can't change its position til next turn!
- A Vessel can only change its position in MAIN PHASE 1 & 2
- Each Vessel has Weapon.Point & Shell.Point respectivly ( Offensive & Retreat Mode ) , only one value is active/used during a battle, which depend on the current position of the Vessel !
Eg :A Vessel inOffensive mode attacks a Vessel in Retreat Mode !
Battle Calulation is applied between ( WeaponPoint of the attacked(offensive) & ShellPoint of the target(Retreat) )
- Tactic card are in two type,
- instant Effect : are sent to the juckZone after activating
- continuous effect : their effect are continuous while the card is activated !
inGUI :- to activate a Tactic Card, just click it from your hand ! ( none of tactic card has a effect ) !
- to Deploye a Vessel Card, left Click the Card, then Click FleetFiledZone where you want to deploy it ! , if you want to cancel a deployement to choose an other one, right click annyWhere ! ( but before final deployment )

- A Vessel deployement is Manual , because the game allOw to Deploy a Vessel on an other Vessel , so nOw, it forms a fleet & ( Grouped Attack notion) ( 3 max )
- A Fleet is a group of Vessel deployed one on the other, acting such a one card !, the WeaponPoint or ShellPoint of the Fleet, is the sum of all its component !
- To change the position of a Fleet, jsut click on It in the FleetZone il M1 or M2 !
- To Move between GamePhases , click on the IconPhase to activate it !
- In BP -BattlePhase - , to déclare battle, you must have at least one Fleet & in Offensive Mode, in that case, left click your click and maitain your clicking, then release in the target ! so that was a battle déclaring ! ( there is nO big animation or sound, this is just testing ..... )

Check the LOGer in the middle of the Field, it indicates the information of the actual happening events ! ( in French
Add-Ons feature ! 
I'll introduce the Quantifiers of the game ! What each player dispose, and what player win in afterBattle !.
til nOw, there is Two types :
- RES : ( Ressource ) : this is the an mount of ressource, each player has the some quantity , and if one player reach a spécific sum, he wns, ( condition of wining or losing will be set after ) ( not avaliable in this version !)
- HONOR : ( Honor ) : these is an optional, it allows to activate some kind of card , ( each card has a cost for activation ) you can recycle it to increase your ressources
- After each battle, if a fleet is destroyed, a débris si formed of metal & cristal in the zone where the battle happened ! , the amount depends on the destroyed fleet !
EnjOy, and thank you !
Explaining my problems , i have no experience for such a big game ! ( getting complicated each time i progress in

) !
I'm using a GameManger! which include players & manage the whole game in a freeThread !
some times, sfml window does not get updated until the function is over !
I explain : may be you've noticed that the program takes a while to load ( to be launched) ! (just few second but, in fact: this is the first draw Code ( animated style ) !
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
//each x.second, the player draw a card, until he draws 5 !then, the game continue ....
In my program, i'm using two thread , ( the man thread, and the thread of the GameManager )
HowEver this code is in theThread( GameManger) , and the draws ( of sprites ) are in the main Thread :??:

*Same Thing when j've tried to animate a drawAction ! from deck to Hand ! if the animation takes 3seconds !
1.When ready to draw !
2.the window freezes ( 3 sec )
3.then the card is directly in the hand !
There is no animation of the sprite ! ( the moving )
any suggestion !! ? !
thank you & have a nice day !
Dr.Crow !