Ouch. My self esteem is dropping

Well, from what I can see, it returns a time value. Or... would that be an object, I think? I wasn't entirely sure how to use said object. Or, what variable to apply toSeconds to, and I was a bit confused by what memebers held the time data and how it could be used. I will look into it agaian and see if I can figure it out this time. Although the first few times I tried Iwas trying to get a float. I forgot that was SFML 1.6.
Ah. That is logical. From.. at least this and another set of external libraries I have tried, there the DLLs, the static libraries, and debug versions of each, but I never quite knew the difference.
On the DLL's... path. That term always scares me. I feel like if I tried to get it working, - well, it wouldn't work. Sigh. Still not entirely sure what this is, either. Something involved with running something from the command line, though. Or, perhaps, compiling it from there. What I mean is, though, is there a way I could package the app and libraries but not have them all in one single folder together? Seems... odd for whatever reason.
I agree that I am not very expierienced in this area, but I do know a bit about how it works. Compilers turn the source files, let's say, into object files (I think that is .o?) The linker puts them together into an exutable. I don't know much about runtime compared to this but if I recall this is where libraries come into the mix.
Probably not a bad idea to read into it more, though.
On that note, seeing as how I am not very expierienced, where do you recommend I start? I am guessing you have a good idea of what is good to learn, and if you find it beneficial it probably is a good idea. It would be nice to know how to... well, how everything works - an dnot just how everything is seemingly handled with whatever the IDE does. Currently, though, I was just trying to see if I could make games, using C++ instead of a game engine. Throughout this process, this has been my main goal. Looking at the SFML projects sections, it seems many people share thiis interest. I don't know what other background learning one would really have on how everything works, but I am all ears if you have suggestions.