Sub Directory. Like, a folder further in the path?
Let's say my .exe is as C:\Folder1\. Could the DLL's still work correctly in C:\Folder1\Folder2\ ?
I agree. I really m a bit befuddled, though. Time is a class. You make an object of that clase, time. It has some sort of constructer, all its members, etc. The function getElaspedTime() returns a Time object. I don't recall anything about making an object equal another object. The only thought that comes to mind is your overloaded the = operator, but in the doc, unless I missed it somehow, you overloaded every operator BUT =. Well, and [] and ., I guess. And... ->. I think.
I am officially confused.
Of note is that its public member attribute is static... but it is also constant, which, for me at least, suggest it cannot change, except upon creation, but it must incriment somehow...
Am I dumb or is this more complex?

EDIT: On second though, I got the clock and Time mixed up. The clock incriments itself. Now... I find this very confusing

hopefully it grows on me. I tried:
#include <SFML/system.hpp>
int main()
sf::Clock clock;
while (1)
if (clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 5)
Is this more of the correct way? It is hard to tell because with GUI project the debugger defaulty pauses at the end.