In the SFML API, there are a lot of function that have default parameters.
Sometimes these default parameter are easy to find from the headers.
Sometimes there are several definitions of the same function so that tracking the default parameter has to be made by reading the source code of SFML, not the header anymore.
When wrapping CSFML this is quite a pain.
More over hard I don't like coding the default parameters in the wrapper because, maybe one day the default value would change, maybe in SFML 3.X.
It would be nice to provide some facilities to get these default parameters.
There could be several ways to do so, one simple possibility could be defining some variable, for example:
<Value_Type> <Function_Name>_<Param_Nane>_Default = <Default_Value>
sfTextureCoordinateType sfTexture_bind_texture_default = sfTexCoordType_Normalized;
#define MAKE_DEFAULT_PARAM( func_name, param_name, param_type, default_value) \
param_type func_name##_##param_name##_default = default_value;
MAKE_DEFAULT_PARAM( sfTexture_bind, coordType, sfTextureCoordinateType, sfTexCoordType_Normalized )