I just looked at the API docs, and I may have (probably have) missed something, but it may be nice to provide a function/operator to convert a RectangleShape into a ConvexShape (and similarly with a CircleShape). Quite a low-priority feature, I might say, but what do you think about this possibility?
Why woud one need such a feature?
It could be easier for creating custom convex shapes. That is, you could take a rectangle as a starting shape, and then slightly transform the points (so it's not a rectangle, but still a convex shape), rather than starting from scratch.
I too think RectangleShape should inherit from ConvexShape, just because a rectangle is a convex shape.
So you're the kind of programmer that would make a Square class inherit from Rectangle? 
What you suggest is not possible. ConvexShape is less constrained than RectangleShape, so the latter would inherit functions that would be able to break its contract.
Don't forget I said I wouldn't do this in its current form

Doing so right now would certainly violate LSP. I suppose I'm thinking of a more component-based design for the shapes, where shape classes are created through composition of various attributes/capabilities. And I figure with a design like this, implementing it with inheritance would require a little less typing

(plus allow polymorphic behavior, if done carefully, though I don't know if that's a worthwhile goal).
But I'm ok with the shapes API for now. It's not like these little details are going to stop me or anyone else from making a game. I'm just thinking out loud.