While comparing Network/Http.hpp and Network/Http.h it seems some values are missing for sfHttpStatus enum:
diff -Naur LaurentGomila-CSFML-8e856b0.orig/include/SFML/Network/Http.h LaurentGomila-CSFML-8e856b0/include/SFML/Network/Http.h
--- LaurentGomila-CSFML-8e856b0.orig/include/SFML/Network/Http.h 2012-07-08 01:45:50.000000000 +0200
+++ LaurentGomila-CSFML-8e856b0/include/SFML/Network/Http.h 2012-07-08 01:48:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
sfHttpCreated = 201, ///< The resource has successfully been created
sfHttpAccepted = 202, ///< The request has been accepted, but will be processed later by the server
sfHttpNoContent = 204, ///< Sent when the server didn't send any data in return
+ sfHttpResetContent = 205, ///< The server informs the client that it should clear the view (form) that caused the request to be sent
+ sfHttpPartialContent = 206, ///< The server has sent a part of the resource, as a response to a partial GET request
// 3xx: redirection
sfHttpMultipleChoices = 300, ///< The requested page can be accessed from several locations
@@ -68,12 +70,15 @@
sfHttpUnauthorized = 401, ///< The requested page needs an authentification to be accessed
sfHttpForbidden = 403, ///< The requested page cannot be accessed at all, even with authentification
sfHttpNotFound = 404, ///< The requested page doesn't exist
+ sfHttpRangeNotSatisfiable = 407, ///< The server can't satisfy the partial GET request (with a "Range" header field)
// 5xx: server error
sfHttpInternalServerError = 500, ///< The server encountered an unexpected error
sfHttpNotImplemented = 501, ///< The server doesn't implement a requested feature
sfHttpBadGateway = 502, ///< The gateway server has received an error from the source server
sfHttpServiceNotAvailable = 503, ///< The server is temporarily unavailable (overloaded, in maintenance, ...)
+ sfHttpGatewayTimeout = 504, ///< The gateway server couldn't receive a response from the source server
+ sfHttpVersionNotSupported = 505, ///< The server doesn't support the requested HTTP version
// 10xx: SFML custom codes
sfHttpInvalidResponse = 1000, ///< Response is not a valid HTTP one