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Author Topic: 1.6 tutorials for 2.0?  (Read 2105 times)

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1.6 tutorials for 2.0?
« on: April 26, 2012, 03:08:38 pm »
I'm a newbie here, and aside from endless reading and setting up different frameworks and dev environments, I'm still pretty new to this sort of development.

I just want to be clear before I continue forward. It seems that some 1.6 conventions in the 1.6 tutorials are no longer valid in 2.0? Common sense tells me to read the 2.0 documentation and replace as required in the 1.6 tutorials. But since I'm green, I just want to make sure.

Before you ask why I'm trying to learn on a release candidate, I figure I might as well start with 2.0 since by the time I'm doing anything critical, 2.0 will be the current stable.


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Re: 1.6 tutorials for 2.0?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2012, 03:15:45 pm »
It seems that some 1.6 conventions in the 1.6 tutorials are no longer valid in 2.0?

Common sense tells me to read the 2.0 documentation and replace as required in the 1.6 tutorials.
Yes. But some changes are not trivial, so don't hesitate to search the forum too.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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Re: 1.6 tutorials for 2.0?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2012, 03:42:44 pm »
Welcome to the SFML community then!

Common sense tells me to read the 2.0 documentation and replace as required in the 1.6 tutorials.
I wish more beginners had your common sense. ::)

Before you ask why I'm trying to learn on a release candidate, I figure I might as well start with 2.0 since by the time I'm doing anything critical, 2.0 will be the current stable.

We won't ask you that since it's anyway better to start using and learning SFML 2 and it would be a lot more work if you first started using SFML 1.6 and then after you just got around it, you'd have to relear and rewrite everything. ;)
Besides that SFML 1.6 has some pretty ugly bugs (e.g. it often won't run on a PC with a ATI graphic card).

I'd say this forum holds about all answers to the questions you might encounter for a longer time.
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Re: 1.6 tutorials for 2.0?
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 04:25:57 am »
Thanks for the welcome and replies! I guess I could've found the 2.0 rc thread and found my answer.

I like forward to a good chunk of time that I an sit down and play with sfml.