Probably I'm doing a simple game with this first. I would like to see if I can implement a lot of F/X effects next, I really have liked some 2D games which have nice pyrotechnics... Not necessarily to direction of violence, more like eye candy. Colourful. I try first to make 3D particle animations and see if they fit this purpose...
I like making this because it is a crossover between two of my hobbies, computer graphics and programming. SFML is also very interesting and quite user friendly.
This kind of base would suit small RTS or simple action RPG. Depending how much "intelligence" I can add to engine, I think I'll explore RTS with some autonomous units first. Good flocking is hard to do, so if someone has pointers, it could help. I think formation-based flocking constrains level design too much, but more intelligent hierarchical flocking may be too heavy here.
Let's see what happens, in this phase I can change practically anything...