There's obviously something that you don't understand, but I don't know what 
That is likely, but there must also be something in my argumentation that you don't understand. Otherwise you would be able to point out my error more clearly.

I am sorry about not being clear before, but the nature of the problem wasn't completely clear in my head. Our little conversation has forced me to think harder about it, which is one reason I enjoy discussing things with you.
If you don't mind, I would like to continue:
If sf::View is the eyes of the user, then sf::Listener is his ears (by the way, they are often linked together -- same position, orientation, etc.).
My argument is that linking the
orientation of the two is not possible because they are conceptually different. Here is why:
From a 3D perspective, orientation In 2D space can be described as rotation around an imaginary z-axis. On the other hand, you cannot describe 3D orientation from a 2D perspective. There simply is no equivalent.
To be clear: you can set any position and any rotation for the listener. So you're not forced to have it in front of or behind something -- if it's the case then adjust the coordinates.
This is not true. You can't set
rotation for the listener, only
orientation. Therefore it is not possible to truly link the 3D listener to a 2D view, and a compromise must be made.
Furthermore, I postulate that the compromise you suggest, will inevitably result in positioning some sounds behind the listener.
I hope that explains my position more clearly, so you can easily point out any misconceptions I may have.