I am having a problem with the RenderTexture.
If I call e.g. sf::Text::setString before calling sf::RenderTexture::create then I get a strange result.
In the example code below I am first setting the string to "abcde" before the create call and after the create call I set it to "test". Only the "e" will be drawn on the screen. After looking into this I found out that only the a, b, c, d or e letters would be drawn. So the letters that were not used before the create call are simply not drawn.
Calling window.draw(text) instead of drawing the render texture has the same result!
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main()
// Create a new render-window
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window");
// Create a new render-texture
sf::RenderTexture texture;
sf::Text text;
if (!texture.create(500, 500))
return -1;
// The main loop
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
// Clear the whole texture with red color
// Draw the text on the texture
// We're done drawing to the texture
// Now we start rendering to the window, clear it first
// Draw the texture
sf::Sprite sprite(texture.getTexture());
// End the current frame and display its contents on screen
I am on a Mac OS X Lion with SFML2-RC.
I tested it in my VirtualBox and both windows and linux could display the word "test" correctly.
I did also notice however that the texture was drawn a few pixels lower on my windows xp. The red rectangle didn't start at top position 0.