I'm like 95% sure this is a problem on my part, not SFML, but I'm using MinGW with Code::Blocks on SFML RC, and every single time I compile, I get these warnings:
||warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the command line.|
||Info: resolving vtable for sf::Text by linking to __imp___ZTVN2sf4TextE |
||Info: resolving vtable for sf::VertexArray by linking to __imp___ZTVN2sf11VertexArrayE |
||Info: resolving sf::RenderStates::Default by linking to __imp___ZN2sf12RenderStates7DefaultE |
||=== Build finished: 0 errors, 1 warnings ===|
Because they're only warnings, I'm able to continue as I was, but this started happening after updating to the Release Candidate.. Am I not linking right? I followed the installation guide on the Tutorials, but maybe I missed something..