Today I started a small project to play with SMFL but for some reason, Visual studio does not like to import SMFL 1.6 via the code:
#include "SFML\Window.hpp"
#include <SMFL/Graphics.hpp>
Now the odd thing I found, the one on the top, actually works "just me playing around". The one on the bottom however, does not. I just compiled SMFL twice today to test this, I will also list all of my settings including the directory were SMFL currently sits on my drive. I ran into this error while following a tutorial
SMF Directory Location: C:\SFML-1.6
Visual Studio Project Settings:
C++ General: Aditional Included Directories: C:\SFML-1.6\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
Linker General: C:\SFML-1.6\lib\vc1010D;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
Linker Input: kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;sfml-system-d.lib;sfml-main-d.lib;sfml-graphics-d.lib;sfml-audio-d.lib;sfml-network-d.lib;sfml-window-d.lib;smfl-system-s.lib;%AdditionalDependencies)
I also have included screen shots to my configuration and the error in Visual Studio.
The error reads out: Error: Cannot open source file "SMFL/Graphics.hpp"
I wasn't really sure what type of an error this is, but tried my best to google it, and everywhere I was able to see people using "<SMFL/Anything.hpp>" just fine so I'm not sure what I have done wrong.
Huge thanks in advance to anyone who can help. I am willing to provide any information you need, but still feel like this is probably a simple problem, I figure having two sets of eyes may help.
I look foreward to hearing from you!