I was quite busy lately and didn't have time to touch GWEN.Net code but it seems some recent SFML change broke my rendering completely. SFML 2 rc version from May 9th was working fine, now all my textures appear black. I didn't have time to investigate in depth yet, but textures are loaded fine and appear to be of correct sizes. Maybe some change in the .NET wrapper?
I'm using single texture for the controls skin. When drawing a rectangle I add it to the cache and then flush it with
m_Target.Draw(m_VertexCache, 0, m_CacheSize, PrimitiveType.Quads, m_RenderState);
I'll debug it more thoroughly tomorrow but maybe someone has hints what might be the cause.
Edit: I see there was a change to Transform (class->struct). I'm not using it directly anywhere though.
Edit: Problem solved: I didn't have properly initialized RenderState's blend mode. It somehow worked before but stopped now
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