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Author Topic: OSX APP file very large  (Read 1838 times)

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OSX APP file very large
« on: June 26, 2012, 05:23:36 pm »
I have built Windows and Mac versions of my SFML (1.6) based game. I have a lot of experience with PC development but I'm new to Macs.

The PC version is about 70 megabytes before compressing into a Setup EXE.
66 of this is game media (sounds, sprites etc).

The Mac version is 129 megabytes (APP file).
The Resources folder containing the game media is 69 megabytes.

I have traced the difference into the Frameworks folder, in particular the OpenGL.framework. One of the files in there (LibLLUMContainer.dylib) is 53 megs.

I also noticed that the frameworks folder contains header files.

Have I done something wrong in the XCode configuration?

Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere on the forum but I searched and couldn't spot anything. It's quite hard to know what to search for.

Thanks in advance.
Gary Marples, Developer of games and other stuff.


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Re: OSX APP file very large
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 10:35:27 pm »
I have traced the difference into the Frameworks folder, in particular the OpenGL.framework.
This framework is installed with the operating system so you don't need to copy it to your application bundle.

I also noticed that the frameworks folder contains header files.
Yes, that's how frameworks work on Mac OS X : put headers and binaries together to make things easier.
SFML / OS X developer


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Re: OSX APP file very large
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 10:47:21 pm »
I have traced the difference into the Frameworks folder, in particular the OpenGL.framework.
This framework is installed with the operating system so you don't need to copy it to your application bundle.

I also noticed that the frameworks folder contains header files.
Yes, that's how frameworks work on Mac OS X : put headers and binaries together to make things easier.

I'm new to XCode / OSX development. I've spent most of my time building the game under Windows (Visual Studio) then compling it under XCode and tweaking the code to deal with compiler differences. Not really comfortable with my Mac as yet.

I thought maybe the OpenGL framework could be excluded. Thanks for the confirmation.

When I have reconfigured the bundle copy I should be ready to release the Mac version.

Thanks for the advice / information. Much appreciated.
Gary Marples, Developer of games and other stuff.

