I hope by adding it. it will fix the problem.
but from what I notice the render is rendering the arabic character as signle always
and adding ـ won't fix it.
is currently rendered as
ا ب ح ر م
and I think by adding RTL support it will be like this
م ر ح ب ا
adding ـ won't fix it I've used it as example only
because it will be something like this
ـ م
so what I suggest is we refer to this table
http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UFE70.pdfrow 1 col FEE
row 2 col FEE
row 3 col FEE
row 4 col FEE
and please provide me with a code that can take array of unicode indexes so that we hard code it
what I mean and what I think the string is taken as (FEE1) while it should take it as (FEE3)
so if there is a way to take an array of indexes to the unicode table and we tell the Text class to render it.
it would be perfect for testing this.
also the problem might be with the editor because they usually they represent arabic character as a single presentation م and they leave it to the editor or the OS to make the proper tweaking so that if م comes before another character is represented in the other presentation. but I don't know how SFML is rendering it. and what library is using to do this task further more I don't know if this problem only with linux or with all platforms
finally I would like to thank you for your time and effort.
and please note that it's not that big of a deal. I just wanted to point this out.
Mustafa S.