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Author Topic: Fixing the issue of the sf::Keyboard::NumX that were not recognized on Linux  (Read 2541 times)

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I have encountered the problem of the digital keys on the top of the keyboard (Num0, Num1...) on Linux. I have (partly) fixed this problem. You can find the patch I have made linked to this message. If you use the git version of the SFML, you can apply it thanks to the command "git apply fixnumkeys.patch". I said I had partly fixed this problem because I had to use the keycodes, which are sometimes different on strange keyboards (I have not encountered such keyboard yet, and no new problem should appear on these keyboards, except the fact that the "NumX" keys won't work better than before). I have tested several layouts (qwerty, azerty...) and all of them seemed to be working. All the keys that were properly managed before should still work the same way : I have not changed the way they were handled. I hope this will give ideas to fix the issue thanks to a "cleaner" method than the one I used ;)

(PS : Sorry if some of the sentences of this message seem weird, English is not my native language.)

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