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Author Topic: Using sfml with IBM's cplex optimizer  (Read 1569 times)

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Using sfml with IBM's cplex optimizer
« on: July 26, 2012, 11:07:25 pm »
I am using IBM's cplex optimizer alongside with sfml to do some visualization of the results.  I can get it compiling and running fine but for some reason the sfml header files are recognized so Visual Studio is always red-under-lining anything in the sf namespace.  I also don't get any of the auto-completion of sf functions or classes.  This makes it more much more difficult to program because I don't have the library memorized.  Here is my project file with the settings required to run cplex.

I am using cplex v12.4 and the sfml-2.0 release candidate.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Using sfml with IBM's cplex optimizer
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2012, 11:52:56 pm »
Your title doesn't match your question at all or maybe you haven't really understood your problem. The autocompletion and class recognition doesn't really have anything to do with any library it's Visual Studio Intellisense that does all the trick.
You don't mention if it works with SFML only (without cplex), if not then you should maybe consider reinstalling VS (or at least google a bit into VS-only problem). If it works with SFML only, then make sure, that cplex doesn't use a namespace/global class/struct/function that is called sf.

If nothing helps at all you can still turn intellisense of to get rid of the red underlining. :-\
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