There is probably some easy answer to this but i have not found any answers around here.
So I have this random color, m_color. R/G/B is set 0-255 and A is always 255.
I have a shape that is set to this:
m_shape = Shape::Circle(0, 0, m_size, m_color, m_wall, Color(0, 0, 0));
This works great! But at a certain point I want to shape to fade away. So I do this from time to time when i update:
m_color.a -= 5;
m_shape.SetColor(m_color); //TODO: check why they change color?!?
Sooo, as you can see by my comment, the color is changing, this only happens the first time I run the code above, afterwards the shape is fading away in a nice way.
It looks like it's allways changing into a darker color?
My background color is all white, alpha = 255.
Anyone have any idea? I could add all the code here if you want, I just thought this would be enough to start with.