Wow, funny enough I just did this exact same thing about a month ago.
I based it off of Ogre3D's system as well.
I wrote Squirrel bindings for mine so you could have scripts like:
TestParticleSys = ParticleMgr.addSystem(300);
local Params =
Position = Vector2f(getMouseX().tofloat(), getMouseY().tofloat()),
Direction = Vector2f(1.0, 1.0),
EmissionRate = 100.0,
MinimumAngle = 0.0,
MaximumAngle = 360.0,
MinimumSpeed = 20.0,
MaximumSpeed = 20.0,
MinimumTimeToLive = 1.0,
MaximumTimeToLive = 1.0,
MinimumColor = Color(0, 0, 255, 255),
MaximumColor = Color(0, 120, 255, 255),
MinimumScale = 0.5,
MaximumScale = 0.6,
TestEmitter = TestParticleSys.addEmitter("Point", Params);
Params =
SubtractAlpha = 0.5
TestParticleSys.addAffector("Color Fader", Params);
Particle systems are too much fun.
I've spent so many hours just staring at cool particle effects.
P.S: I wish your screenshots would load.