So since GitHub has changed the way they handle page titles and names, we no longer could use the old way of having a short and handy name while keeping the title descriptive.
Since the problem has been around for quite
a while and Laurent has is
hands full of work, I decided to change the
rules and adapt all current wiki pages.
But as
nice as it now looks, the change comes with a big downside. Every link that has ever been made to mostly all wiki pages now lead nowhere...
If you're a maintainer of some wiki-forum post, please make sure to update the wiki link. Also if you stumble upon some wiki link in one of your post, please make sure to edit it.
I hope nobody will kill me for that change, but it was necessary to prevent ugly entanglements between different naming conventions and confusions.
As a side note: There are quite a few red links from links that where taken over to the new wiki, but have never been created/updated. If you have some old tutorial/source code/etc in the old wiki but not in the new one, think about take some time to convert it. Or if you have some free time at your hands, you may convert some pages if you want to. ;