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Author Topic: NAT punch-through (hole punching)  (Read 3389 times)

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NAT punch-through (hole punching)
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:14:24 am »
Hi all, it has been a while...

I'm coding the network part on my soccer style game. The game goes well when playing on LAN, this is not a lantency issue anyway.

I've done simple system wich allows to find and play a match automatically. If the client doen't find any playable match, it starts a server waiting for other player. It uses a database etc...
I don't want to complicate my work on doing a virtual UDP connection, so I've used TCP.

The problem is that servers behind a router can't be reached by clients, the server owner must open ports on his router using NAT. I want to avoid this trying to implement NAT punch-through technique. I know how to do it for UDP, but I'm using TCP. Is it the same algorithm? Any ideas?
