What would you recommend instead of VS?
I've seen good and bad reports for netbeans, and I have also heard good things from eclipse *and use eclipse for java* but have no experience with it for C++
I've also heard mixed reports for code blocks.
As a matter of fact Microsoft
announced a CTP (customer technology previews) which should support more C++11 features a few days ago. But for a really official support it will still take longer... - Uhm Laurent was faster.

What to choose is a controversial topic and nearly all the arguments are just about personal preferences.
At the moment I'm using Code::Blocks to develop, but obviously not the very old official release from 2010 (iirc), but the nightly builds that come out every week or so. One just needs to download the new build and replace it with the old one, the settings etc. will all be preserved.
Personally I don't like Eclipse that much, since it's running with Java and uses quite a bit more resources than it needs to, but since I haven't really used it, I can't judge more about it. Neither can I comment on Netbeans.
If you feel like it then gVim + terminal is always a nice way, although for a new beginner not the most comfortable one.
More important than the IDE discussion is the compiler (version). I'd really like to see a working Clang compiler on Windows that comes with mostly all the essential libraries (so one could use SFML with it), but this will probably take a few more years...
So you're stuck with GCC/MinGW. The official/original
MinGW32 project is a bit behind with the compiler version (4.6ish) and thus you might want to take a look at the
TDM MinGW32 port. If you feel like getting a bit into a more experimental world, then you should most definitely check out the
MinGW-w64 port, which reorganizes the MinGW32 project and additionally provides a 64bit compiler. But as I said the 264 project isn't the most stable and you can run into some problems which can't really get resolved atm.
What I've left out is the
Cygwin vs 'native' discussion. Cygwin is a very nice to get the Linux world to Windows, but the problem is, that it's not exactly a 'native' Windows build, but you'll have to provide a Cygwin 'runtime' library. Next to this, their compiler (gcc) isn't really uptodate either. So I'd rather suggest to use
MSYS. I only use Cygwin for Git interaction and other nice Linux features.