Hello, I am running into some odd graphical issue with rendering sprites. I am willing to make a minimal code to reproduce but before I do I was curious if anyone knows of a solution for this issue offhand.
The issue itself looks like the image is having its left or right side moved to the opposite side. Here is one example with the shield's left side being moved to the right side. The right image is the original shield.
For those familiar with Moonman (using SFML as well), you can reproduce this issue in it as well. Eigen (of Pioneers) noted it in a
reply to the Moonman devlog. Eigen says that he fixed this issue by padding all of his images with empty pixels. This makes sense but it is really just a work around. One I'm not too fond of this since it would require changing 100+ images.
Does anyone know what the problem is here? I appreciate the help and let me know if a minimal code to repro is needed.